I’ve had HMO for almost 20 years but now considering PPO. I am reading “Summary of Benefits” for PPO option for employee insurance. It lists what % of the coinsurance the patient pays for in/out of network providers. The information that I am missing is, what exactly is the cost?

Say I need an X-ray, I need to pay 20% of coinsurance, but I don’t know what that 20% will be in actual $.
I even asked our front desk (I work in a medical center at a University), what happens if patient asks how much it will cost for treatment. They say they can tell the patient only a RANGE of expected cost (a rather large range – so not helpful) but probably more accurate range if it was a small private clinic.

Do you sign up for PPO option without knowing this (and just expect to pay deductible and then up to the out of pocket max?) for the benefit of being able to choosing your own doctors/facilities?

Could you clarify how this works and what am I misunderstanding?

submitted by /u/Tourmalet2115

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