PPO 0 vs. PPO 500? Which should I pick?

Hello! I am a 25F with no dependents who has never had to enroll in health insurance before, so I’m a bit lost. Can someone help me figure out which plan would be best? I don’t get sick often, I usually just see the occasional doctor for check-ups.

PPO 0: – Bi-weekly cost: $116.04 – Individual deductible: $0 – Individual max out of pocket: $3,000 – Dr. visit: $35 for PCP/$50 for specialist – inpatient hospital: $700 per admission – outpatient services: $500 per admission – emergency room visit: $300 per visit/$50 for urgent care – retail prescription drugs: $15 generic/$30 preferred brand/$50 non-preferred brand – retail prescription drugs deductible: $100

PPO 500: – Bi-weekly cost: $88.46 – Individual deductible: $500 – Individual max out of pocket: $5,000 – Dr. visit: $25 for PCP/$40 for specialist – inpatient hospital: deductible + coinsurance – outpatient services: deductible + coinsurance – emergency room visit: $300 per visit/$40 for urgent care – retail prescription drugs: $15 generic/$30 preferred brand/$50 non-preferred brand – retail prescription drugs deductible: N/A

I’m thinking the PPO 500 is the better option. What do you think?

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submitted by /u/Big-Increase4545

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