Posting this here because I definitely need help navigating healthcare stuff right now. Any suggestions welcome!

I’m in East Texas. Just recently got a new job back in June. It’s a contract position, so I would owe a self-employment tax that would probably take about half of my money at the end of the year, if I understand it right.

I’m trying to get some extra help for my mental health issues. I go to a low income mental health place, but they’re a bit limited on what they can help with. I then tried to get help from a local low income clinic, but they took one look at my proof of income, and said I made too much to be helped there, even though they knew I was a contract worker. They wouldn’t budge. They have a self-employment form they offer, but they said it only applies if a person didn’t have proof of income, for some reason.

They passed me off to another potential clinic, but it seems they might do the same thing. In the case that they do, what other options do I have? I apparently make “too much” for the clinics I may be able to afford, but don’t make enough for a doctor’s office or health insurance. I feel stuck and a bit hopeless. It feels like my only shot at a better life and being a more worthy person is to get my stuff “fixed”.

If the info helps, I’m a 27 yr old woman who has never been married. No kids. Which means I also may not qualify for a lot of things, lol.

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