Possible to correct coverage start date?

A little bit of a complicated scenario, but summarized below: – I left my job late August 2023 (coverage ends at the end of the month) which covered myself + wife – We used COBRA for September 2023 since we met the deductible already and had some expensive procedures that month – Due to some miscommunication, my wife signed up for her own employers health plan (instead of just dental), with an effective date of August 23 (when I left my job, not when I lost coverage at end of month) – we canceled her plan, which effective October 31 (I signed up for my new employer plan)

I'm worried that her procedures in September will be retroactively declined due to coordination of benefits. Technically, the coverage start date is not correct (My old employer technically covered us until October).

Is there a way to preemptively engage HR or the insurance at my wife's work to revise a coverage start date? Thanks.

submitted by /u/phr33style

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