Possible insurance fraud from a doctor I recently visited
Edit for extra info – I'm in NYC and my health insurance in network is UnitedHealthcare
I had visited this doctor 2 months ago, and then they called me for an appointment that they scheduled for me the following week to which I agreed to, I paid the copay at the end of my visit. Then before I arrived, they called me to give me results to which I said I was already showing up, and then I was charged copay right at the beginning for a 1 minute conversation with the doctor. A couple weeks later they left me a phone call scheduling me for a "wellness checkup" a week later. I called them back since I was already on edge, they said the doctor just wanted to see what's up. I specifically asked if I was going to be charged, and they said "no, it's only a check up call." So I agreed to the follow up call…
Fast forward to today I get in the mail a bill to pay them the copay billed as "Office Visit" and it seems my insurance was charged.
What are my options? Should I call my insurance or the doctor's office? Should I go to small claims court?
submitted by /u/Viouxzeaques