Hi, my 26 year old husband male is undergoing a bone marrow biopsy to see what’s causing the abnormalities with his white blood cells. His cytometry was reassuring, but they want to look at his bone marrow to rule out cancer for sure.

I’m a planner, and I’m preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best. He starts a new job on Monday, and will have health insurance coverage through them. He is still getting health insurance through his previous job through the month. I am in nursing school (in third semester, four semesters is the total) with a graduation set for August 2023. I am under the age of 26, so I am still on my parents plan.

What did you do or someone you know do for health insurance while you or they underwent treatment? I’m assuming that many do not feel well enough to work full time.

I am considering putting school on hold, and working as a licensed practical nurse and obtaining insurance for us that way. If I was to do that could they deny him receiving coverage post diagnosis if that was the case? If he started Monday, and his premium for insurance was paid at the beginning of the month by his work would he at least be covered through March? Also if he was let go for being unable to work would he qualify for Cobra? Is cobra a continuation of his employers insurance at a higher price? How long does cobra last? The plan he previously had with his old provider is EMI and his new insurance would be Select health. Can he continue cobra through his old job, start this new job and start benefits with them? Would just like advice on what your experience or knowledge is with obtaining health insurance after 26 and a life changing diagnosis.

See also  Insurance is Trying to Charge Out of Network Charges.

I’m hopeful this is nothing, but I am a planner.

Thank you in advance for any advice.

submitted by /u/ThrowRAfeverdreamz