Policy Change after Open Enrollment

Our Open Enrollment was in April, and we were given a brochure with the information about our plan. (We are a small organization with only one available plan.) It shows the company and includes the dates August 1, 2024-July 31, 2025. I elected to keep my whole family on the plan.

I was just told today that there's a better policy through a different company available, and that people can vote to switch the whole organization over on August 1. But I'm confused, because we already did Open Enrollment… Is it really ok for the organization to switch our policy when they didn't present the options during Open Enrollment? Is that typical? Or am I misunderstanding, and this is a change that would take place next year?

There's other layers here, because I am pregnant and due to give birth within 5 weeks of the policy change. I've already met my OOP/deductible, and I considered those expenses when planning the baby. (I specifically wanted the pregnancy not to fall into a second calendar year and thus incur double the charges.) Furthermore, I work at a school so most people are on summer break and may not even be aware of the change before it takes place.

I spoke briefly to our HR, but she didn't really understand and referred me to the insurance broker, but it's Friday and I'm going to worry about this all weekend.

submitted by /u/AL92212

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