Plz help me find insurance for pregnancy.

I’m young, and have a decent job at Nissan making 30k a year, and my fiance makes the same (which isnt that great where I live). I grew up sheltered and was homeschooled by Christians so excuse my lack of knowledge on person finance and things like this. I want a child but I’m seeing how people are paying thousands out of pocket for just 1 child WITH insurance. Not to mention those who had high risk ones… I had Medicaid that wouldve covered it but they dropped me after I started making over 25k a year. I’m honestly baffled that almost every benefit out there isnt even reachable for us anymore because we make $300 more a month than we used to…… What insurances will cover everything like Medicaid did? And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Ultrasounds, lab work, hospital stay, all of it. My sister had an emergency c section and she had to stay in hospital for 3 days, her bill was over 100k and all covered by Medicaid. She had endometriosis while she was pregnant with her first, causing her to miscarry. She had to have surgery to remove the fetus and multiple for the endometriosis and they covered all of it. Every appointment she had related to or during her pregnancy was completely covered. So is there something like that I can pay monthly for? None of this deductible, maximum out of pocket bs?? I’m honestly no richer than I was before… And if you’re wondering why she was able to get it, it’s because her spouse and her arent legally married, but he makes enough to support both of them while she was pregnant so she didnt have to work. She applied as an unemployed pregnant woman and instantly got accepted. But I can’t afford to do the same… Help?

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