Please help me with Cigna witholding money from me


I don’t want to write too long of a post. The gist is that Cigna sent a check to my provider when they should have sent it to me. This happened in 2022 and it’s taken over a year to resolve it. Every few months I’ve called Cigna trying to get this solved, this mistake on their end. I paid my provider up front, there was never a reason for Cigna to send the check to them.

My provider let me know they never received a check from Cigna (as they shouldn’t have) and Cigna told me last year that the check they sent out was NEVER cashed.

Between the fall and now Cigna has told me they’ve sent the check out several times but I have never received it. They say they've reissued it several times now.

At the beginning of this month, they said they would send me the check and I would receive it by this week. I haven’t received it and I’ve spoken to several reps who have told me that, again, Cigna sent the check to my provider.

I’m so exhausted and at this point crying. I've never dealt with something like this before.

The fact it’s taken over the year, the fact I keep getting misinformation, the fact this is a mistake they made and they won’t rectify it…I have no idea what to do. And I struggle to accept their mistake.

I’m not sure what to do since I can no longer get through to Cigna. Yes, I've blown up on them everywhere and called several times. At this point I think they are telling reps to drop calls and chats with me. All over something they started and could have fixed in February of 2022.

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Anyone had a similar experience? Anyone know if this is something that can be solved legally? It seems so petty, I hate it, but I can't let it go because this isn't money I gambled away. This is money that is rightfully mine according to my plan.

Please help, I’m absolutely desperate for this to be resolved.

submitted by /u/pleasehelpme2023pls