Please help me understand why my hospital bill is significantly more expensive after billing my secondary insurance

I live in WA state, and I received my hospital bill yesterday from giving birth in July. I met my deductibles for both primary and secondary insurance plans; OOP remaining amount for primary insurance prior to the hospitalization was about $500. I was looking forward to “only” owing $500 for labor and delivery after all my medical expenses this year.

To my shock, the hospital is biling me ~$2,700. My claim/EOB from my primary insurance states that my patient responsibility is ~$500, as expected [amount billed: $19,000; primary's allowed amount: $11,000; amount paid by primary: $10,500]. But then my EOB from my secondary says $2,700 patient responsibility, and that’s what the hospital is billing me. Secondary also only paid $27; no allowed amount is listed in the EOB. Below are the redacted EOBs (first two are from primary, last is secondary):

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The hospital is in-network for both insurance plans. I always thought the secondary is supposed to pay what the primary doesn’t, up to the allowable amount, which I assumed was dictated by primary insurance. Am I not understanding this correctly? Or is the hospital supposed to go off of what the secondary insurance says?

I plan to call the hospital's billing department and both insurance companies, but I was hoping for some insight before I make the calls so I know what questions to ask. Appreciate any help!

submitted by /u/beautifuldisaster425

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