Please help me understand why I shouldn’t stick with my HDHP

It’s open enrollment time at my work, and I am reviewing my options because I am now pregnant. Right now I’m on the high deductible plan, the deductible is $3,250. When I’m comparing this plan to lower deductible plans it doesn’t look like the lower plans are going to actually save me money. When it comes to inpatient maternity coverage it’s shows my current plan will cover that 100% after deductible. With the $1,500 deductible plan, for example, it shows “20%, after $250 copay; after deductible” Well my estimated costs from the hospital shows a little over $13k, but with my high deductible plan it shows what I will actually owe is just the $3,250. With the $1,500 plan I’m going to be paying more monthly and, if I’m understanding this correctly at all, paying more for the delivery. Everything else on the plan relevant to prenatal care, gyno care, etc. is the same, they both cover 100% deductible waived. According to articles I’ve read online about shopping for healthcare when pregnant, I should be choosing a plan with a higher premium and lower deductible, but with the options presented to me, I don’t see why I should do that.

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