PLEASE help me understand this, I don’t get it

Hi, this insurance thing is making my head spin, hoping I can get a little insight. I am looking at this plan on the marketplace (well, looking at a few but let’s keep it simple)

Says deductible is $7,400. For a hospital visit (facility fee), it says cost is Deductible + $400 copay per admission. To me this means… I would pay $400 copay for landing in the hospital, but I would also pay anything the hospital charged if I have not reached my deductible yet (up to $7,400)? So, say I land in the hospital. I’ve paid nothing toward my deductible at this point. Say the hospital stay is $10,000. I’d have to pay the $7,400, plus the $400? And BCBS would cover the remaining? Even more confusing, I go look at the 7th page where examples are shown. The last one, Mia’s simple fracture. It doesn’t say that she’s already paid her deductible. But shows in the example that she’d pay $2,000 toward the deductible and just a $400 copayment. Is this example assuming the full hospital visit is only $1400 or so, so she pays the full hospital bill, plus $400, plus fees for specialist, etc? Why is the total example cost $2,800, but the total Mia would pay is $2,400? I really don’t understand how they got the numbers in the other two examples either. I feel really dense. How can I judge if this is a decent plan or an awful one?

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