Please help me figure out individual out of pocket max and family.

My deductible and out of pocket max is beyond messed up (thanks CVS specialty)

I've been after them (cvs specialty, cvs Caremark and Aetna) to fix it. Their math isn't the same as mine.

My Kids deductible is $3200 and my family is $6400. My kids out of pocket max is $4200 and family is $8400.

I've met my son's out of pocket max (I've paid with credit card so literally me payin) I've actually paid more than the out of pocket Max and Deductible for my son.

If I were to create a spreadsheet document, each person gets their own page and meets their Deductible then out of pocket. How would I figure out the Math on the family end of things. (How can I find out if I have an embedded plan or not. The website is really shifty and doesn't specify anything. (It switched to a copay maximizer amd never alerted me. Luckily I noticed Jan and was able to pay for the meds myself so it would go toward deductible amd out of pocket max. I read through every document available online and that was mailed and nothing mentioned this but apparently my husband's copay assist does count. So either they're lying to me or messed up my husband's. Either is a total possibility with all the mistakes the specialty pharmacy had made))

submitted by /u/NoonieP

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