Please Help Me Choose Between Two Medical Plans

I am starting a new job and this company offers two different plans:

Plan 1: Deductible: $1700; Out-of-pocket maximum: $3000; HSA available and company contributes $500 to the account; Covers 80% after deductible on everything, except preventive care which is fully covered; 100% premium paid by company.

Plan 2: Deductible: $500; Out-of-pocket maximum: $3000; FSA available; $20 co-pay for PCP and specialist visits, $25 for Urgent care, and $150 for ER, cover other categories 80% after deductible (Mental health, inpatient, outpatient surgeries, etc); 100% premium paid by company.

I am in my early 20s, not taking any prescription, but does wear hearing aids. I do not think I will stick with the company long enough to have the my next hearing aids. Thinking about having ADHD assessment done. I would say I have average health for early 20s.

I am wondering which plan, theoretically, would save me the most money. Please advice.

submitted by /u/cantfindname76

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