Please help me choose an insurance plan for my upcoming delivery

Hello health insurance gurus! I need your help & expertise with comparing insurance plans. I am currently pregnant with twins due in January 2024, and I currently have one 2 year old. Open enrollment is coming up in August, with plans taking affect in October. I am trying to figure out what plan is the most cost effective for the upcoming costs for my OBGYN visits, labor and delivery.

I have 3 choices in insurance plans:

1. My employer's deductible & coinsurance plan (this has the lowest premium) Deductible: $500 individual/$1,250 family Coinsurance (insurance pays/member pays): 80%/20% In network out of pocket maximum: $3,500 individual/$7,000 family Copays: No copays, deductible & coinsurance applies for visits 2. My employer's PPO plan Deductible: $700 individual/$1,750 family Coinsurance (insurance pays/member pays): 85%/15% In network out of pocket maximum: $4,500 individual/$9,000 family Copays: $45 copay for each OBGYN visit (copays do not go toward deductible) 3. Partner's PPO plan (this has the highest premium) Deductible: $0 Coinsurance (insurance pays/member pays) 80%/20% In network out of pocket maximum: $7,000 individual/$15,000 family Copays: $40 copay for each OBGYN visit (copays does go toward deductible in this plan)

For all plans, the deductibles get reset at the beginning of the year (Jan 1st, 2024), so a few weeks before I give birth.

submitted by /u/Moist-Moment2858