With a million options I would like to make a post asking what people consider good benefits on health insurance. Regardless of rate, what are your deductibles/OOP Max/Copays ect.

My company is currently restructuring their health insurance plan which is not great and the new plans I feel are even worse. Can we create a post where people input their benefits and people can decide whats out there thats good vs bad. Ill post a structure and our current offerings and you guys tell me what you think?(I excluded out of network since it shouldn't be used anyways)

Coinsurance In network: 10% / Out of network: 30%
Plan Deductible IN – EE/Family $2,000 / $4,000
Max Out-of-Pocket IN – EE/Family $8,000 / $16,000
Preventative In network: 100% / Out of network: Not covered
Urgent Care Co-pay In network: $70 copay / Out of network: Subject to deductible then 30% coinsurance
Emergency Room In network: Subject to deductible then 10% coinsurance / Out of network: Subject to deductible then 30% coinsurance
Office Visit Co-pay NET In network: $35 copay / Out of network: Subject to deductible then 30% coinsurance
Office Visit Specialist Co-pay NET In network: $70 copay / Out of network: Subject to deductible then 30% coinsurance
Lab services In network: $25 copay / Out of network: Not Covered
X-Ray In network: $50 copay / Out of network: Subject to deductible then 30% coinsurance
Advanced Imaging (MRI, PET, CT) In network: $500 copay / Out of network: Subject to deductible then 30% coinsurance
Prescription Co-pay Retail and Specialty Pharmacy Network: In & out of network: $10 / $60 / 35% coinsurance up to $350 / 35% coinsurance up to $500 / Retail Non-Preferred Specialty Network: $20 / $120 / 50% coinsurance up to $700 / 50% coinsurance up to $1,000 (Tiers 2, 3, & 4 are subject to a $250 / $500 pharmacy deductible first)

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submitted by /u/Falzon03