Pharmacy and psychiatrist office insurance problems

Thank you for reading. Hopefully someone can help me out.

I have had molina health insurance for the last two years now. During those two years, I got a job and signed up for their insurance(united healthcare), which was for only about four months. I left the company. And after that I was still covered by molina.

Now here comes the problem I'm having. My psychiatrist and now my pharmacy say that it shows I have united Healthcare as my primary insurance, but that it ended in February when I quit, so my visits and prescriptions aren't covered. I've called molina and have spoken with them multiple times. Molina says they are my primary insurance.

So now anytime I make an appointment with my doctor, they say I have united Healthcare. Not molina. And that I need to call molina to have them change it. This has been going on for the last 4 or 5 months. I call molina, they say they're my primary provider. I have to provide my doctor with an agent name and reference number from molina every time. But my doctor says that molina isn't covering my visits. So I may now need to pay out of pocket for my upcoming visits and any visit that molina hasn't been covering for the last 4 months. Which I can't do.

Has anyone had a similar issue with insurance?

What can I do to fix this?

I have schizophrenia. So I can't go without my medication. I can be in a very bad situation if I don't get this figured out soon.

submitted by /u/loozingmind

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