PCP dropped me because I had secondary Medi-Cal (Medicaid) last year

This is a weird situation that has me and my now new PCP baffled. How does this work? Can they do this? What is the rule here? Im so confused.

I was previously with Circle Medical, an affiliate of UCSF. I have only ever used my Anthem Blue Cross (employer provided) with them. During my pregnancy in 2021, I was able to get Medi-Cal, which is Californias Medicaid, as a secondary insurance but knew Circle didn’t take it so I didn’t even bother.

I only used the secondary at my OBGYN appts and Rx’s.

One of my Rx’s is Vyvanse. Last week the looked at the state controlled substance logs(?) whatever that data is… and saw I used Medicaid for a prescription from then in 2021.

They immediately asked for a termination letter and said they will not see me until I get that.

Mind you this was 2 hours before my appt to get much needed Thyroid meds refilled…. And I was pretty confused and upset.

If I never used the Medicaid with them, only used my employer sponsored plan, why does the Medicaid matter almost a year after the fact?

Thanks for your time and insight!

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