Paying $$ for bc pill prescription I’ve been on for years: Natazia

I’ve tried many types of the pill. I’ve suffered many hormonal changes over the years, pcos and fodmap diet etc. I had to switch jobs in October. Now I pay more monthly for health insurance, and the insurance wants a copay of $100/ month for Natazia. My old insurance paid for this pill in FULL, tier 1 $0 out of pocket for me. I called the new insurance company many times trying to petition this prescription from a tier 3 down to 2 or 1. They gave me a ring around about filling out forms for 3 weeks. After a call on the phone for 2 hours today, they eventually told me no, pay $100, find coupons, or switch pills. Natazia’s website has a bayer coupon card claiming to pay as little as $0 for the pills. I used the card but it only brought the price down to $60/month. On top of my health insurance cost increase, it just seems ridiculous! I don’t want to switch bc pills and go through hormone trial and error again when this pill works so well for me. My doctor also says “there’s really no substitute for this prescription. It helps women who suffer bad side effects from other pills.” I’m terrified of implants or surgery. My body does not heal well. Why do I have to now pay a premium for what I’ve been using for years? This is mostly a rant, but also a request for info if anyone on reddit knows how to get this prescription cheaper. I hate that all insurance has different rules and depends on our jobs. This is the only prescription I want from my insurance. No I did not even get a raise when switching jobs. In fact it was a pay cut… The new job is really good in every other way, so I don’t want to look for a different job either.

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