Partner lost health insurance due to parent’s layoff, but marketplace insurance won’t start until March 1. How to bridge the gap?

My 25 year old not-spouse partner was on her mother’s health insurance, and her mother unexpectedly lost her job this week and thus insurance. Her mother opted out of COBRA, since her stepfather had insurance through his job and she could join his plan. My partner is getting her own since she would have to in a few months anyways, but we’ve run into an issue: how to have her covered between now and March 1.

The marketplace plans do not go into effect until March 1, and while there could be a way for her to sign up for COBRA, she’d be locked into that more expensive option until open enrollment. The idea of her being uncovered for the rest of the month is uncomfortable due to the possibility of a severe accident, but I am not sure how she could be covered for these next couple weeks. Is there a way that makes sense, or should we be cautious and hope for the best?

I’m also uncertain if the marketplace is the best option. I am well off and support us financially, meaning her income is $0 and thus doesn’t appear to provide discounts there. Should she be on Medicaid?

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