parents trying to use Christian Healthcare Ministries and my alarm bells are going off.

I(18) am in FL at the moment. My mother, who had a decent health insurance policy(From what i understand) left her job around the end of last year due to health issues caused by chronic pain. She and my father have decided that due to the costs of their old insurance, they will be switching to a "cost sharing" christian health service. You share with other members the costs of healthcare. the one they are looking at seems to be decent, 1981 established, accredited with the BBB, whatever. but still I'm suspicious. they aren't legally obligated to pay for shit. they'll drop you if you suddenly develop type 1. they don't cover counseling or psychiatric care. I'm really worried for my folks, I don't know what to do. I don't have any idea our housing income so I can't really provide like a rough estimate, but I need help for their sake. I don't want to watch them sink money away and not get any care. What can they do? I hear of state and federal funds for healthcare but I've got no clue where to start. Can anyone please provide any info on budget health plans or how to get them started with state or federal healthcare. they are both almost 60 for reference.

edit: they were paying about 2300 a month for health insurance prior to this. My dads like talking to a brick wall about this, and he's pulling the "you need to do your research now because were signing this soon"

submitted by /u/Dolancrewrules

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