Paid to COBRA but the insurance is not active

Hi all!

I’ve been buying a health plan from a COBRA vendor since last June 2022. This January, I received a mail from the insurance company indicating that “your continuation coverage will terminate 04/01/2023, according to the provisions in your contract”. Contacted the COBRA vendor and was told that “once you keep making payments to COBRA, your plan is active”.

My status at the moment:

I’ve made a payment to the COBRA vendor for April;

my insurance plan is indicated as terminated;

my kids are getting sick one by one – I’m receiving medical bills for the full amount;

the COBRA vendor “has reached out to the insurance providers. Once we have an update we will let you know”. That is all I’m able to get from them;

this Monday, I’m supposed to make the next monthly payment to the COBRA vendor;

Will highly appreciate any insights about how much this situation is usual. Can I do anything to resolve this without reporting to the Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration? Thank you much for your time in advance.

See also  Secrets to a Successful Unwinding: Actions State-Based Marketplaces and Insurance Departments Can Take to Improve Coverage Transitions