Recently got hit with a rib breaking car wreck, colon cancer, surgery to partially remove part of colon, chemo… blah blah blah just know this all happened within 2 months. However insurance was so late to record payments of stuff like pet ct scans, doctor visits, payments before surgery, UnitedHealth basically just writes down all the payments that I pay super late, very convenient for them. So during this flurry time period because they took their time to record, my out of pocket was met before my major colon surgery like perhaps 07/10 but because of the records being sent to them and processing they said I wasn't out of pocket till 08/03 of this year. My plan is supposed to be good on paper where I have 3500 out of pocket for in network but these crooks took their time I spent about 5,000.. just cause when it comes to certain things everything seems to be pricer and more expensive. Had multiple calls with insurance of course they aint bulging. This system sucks, and I'm supposed to have a really good health insurance plan.

submitted by /u/retroideq

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