Out of Network Mess. Please Help.

I was referred by my gynecologist to a surgeon, Dr Alpha , at The Surgery Center (not the real names, but it's easier to write this way) for a hysterectomy.

That appointment took 6 weeks. Three weeks later The Surgery Center called me and said Dr Alpha isn't in network, but that Dr Beta, who is also a part of their clinic is. My appointment was changed to the new doctor.

I went to the appointment, did all their tests and was told someone would call me with the date and location of my surgery.

I gave them my insurance cards. I paid my co-pay.

And now I find out they are out of network and I owe them $500 for the surgical consult.

And here's the kicker…this is the SECOND TIME this has happened since January. The first time it was a dermatologist. Same thing. I gave them my insurance cards, paid my co-pay…BOOM! Out of network, here is your $500 bill.

What are my options? I absolutely cannot pay these bills, I just don't have it. Not even a little bit at a time.

Who do I file a complaint with? I have already filed an appeal with my insuance and it failed. If I had known they were out of network I would have left immediately and found another doctor.

What do I do?

submitted by /u/BeatMeSaber

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