Out-of-network claims vanish from Cigna website

My only out-of-network claims are for my therapist. I'll submit a monthly receipt, and, after some initial delays and typical headaches on the phone earlier this year, Cigna was reimbursing me.

When I was trying to get them to pay the January claim, they did eventually pay, but the claim and EOB never showed up on the website. I thought this was just a one-off since I didn't notice this problem again until now, when I'm noticing several claims missing. There should be 7 claims, but I only see 4. I recall seeing them after submitting them. I have 7 emails saying "Your claim has been submitted". I am viewing all my claims for the year, no filters. Those missing claims are also missing from the CSV download.

Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution within the website? Of course, I will call them tomorrow, and I assume the claims do exist. This is not a post to claim Cigna is screwing me over; I have no major complaints. I just want to know if this is a known technical bug or known quirk in their website.

This is the screen I'm referring to

submitted by /u/ZbornakHollingsworth

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