Options for Texas residence needing heart surgery, no insurance, but will have a 110k coming their way soon

Hey r/HealthInsurance . Whoever is taking time to read this, thanks a ton.

So here is the situation. My father in laws needs heart surgery (estimated 200k). He is mid 50sh, owns a bread delivery route, and has no insurance. His wife just left her job that provided insurance back in early April ( it was on the 5th of april and he wasn't insured then either). They paid off their mortgage this year if that information helps at all.

So after a very stressful health week with hospital visits and scans, he is taking this opportunity to quit his job and slow down in life (bread delivery makes him have stress and a not so great sleep schedule). He can sell the route for around 110K and they are thinking to use that in some form or fashion to make the heart surgery bill less painful. My question is, what are some options for them?

I would suggest ACA, but since they have a guaranteed paycheck of 110k coming, I don't think thats going to help. My guess is that they get private insurance for the rest of the year and use the job loss as a "life event" to get enrolled into it. How does one even shop for private insurance if you have a guaranteed surgery coming?

I have suggested his wife gets another job asap to get insurance, but they are so overwhelmed right now with these health scares, that they are not thinking that yet.

Is there any options I am missing?

submitted by /u/masetheace64

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