open enrollment period closes long before i have my 1099s???

qualification for certain plans (like metroplus essential, for example) is determined by your 2022 income. by the time i have figured out precisely my 2022 income– that is, by the time i file my 2022 tax return– open enrollment will be over 🙁

my 2022 income probably is very close– either just above or just below– the qualification cutoff, so just estimating my income is not sufficient. 2022 was vastly different from prior years for me so i really have no frame of comparison.

what is the answer here? figuring out my exact income after expenses &c &c &c is a LOT of work and i really only like to do it ONCE– after i have all my 1099s and other tax documents. do i have to just bite the bullet here and do all that work now, with incomplete data, and hope for the best? and what are the consequences if after i complete my actual 2022 tax return it turns out my income actually was over the limit? then what? can i retroactively buy different insurance? will i just have to remain uninsured until the 2023 open enrollment??

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