OON anesthesia at an in-network Dr – refusing to pay the in-network negotiated rate

Hoping for some insight on this. I had a minor surgery done at an In network Dr with OON anesthesiologist (location: St. Louis, MO) I was required to pay a $600 deposit to the anesthesiologist prior to the surgery but reassured from insurance (UHC) that it would still be processed as In network since I had no choice of anesthesiologist – So I was hoping to get some money back if owed (The surgery itself turned out to be less than $300 of pocket – I hadn't met the deductible). Now I get my EOB and it says I was only required to pay $140 (negotiated rate) for the anesthesia as a processed in-network OON claim, but the anesthesia company is refusing to refund the difference because they don't agree with this amount. They had tried to bill $2,500 to my insurance and they can't try to bill me the excess because of the no balance billing law. I called UHC after this and they said the anesthesia company is allowed to deny abiding by the contracted rate of $140 because they don't have a contract with them as an (OON provider). If the services rendered actually equal $600 it would be one thing if they would actually send me an itemized bill – but I was told by the anesthesia co., they can't do that.. Any advice? Should I just leave it alone?

submitted by /u/Actual_Gold5684

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