On parents policy while disabled, working and over the age of 26

I am currently 30 years old and I am a C7 quadriplegic. I’ve been on my father’s policy since I lost my previous insurance due to not being able to return to work. That goes back to 2014 as I’m permanently disabled/paralyzed.

I became a licensed drone pilot in 2019 and would like to start my own business doing that. I do work on the side but haven’t created an actual business yet. My concern has been if I become self employed by owning a business, can my father’s company remove me from the policy? Granted they’d have to know that I’m self employed in the first place. I have too many medical needs that insurance currently covers and I’d be hurting drastically without it. I know getting your own policy isn’t cheap either. So I’m just trying to determine if it’s possible for me to get my business license, work part time and remain on the policy. I’ve thought about having my father or myself ask someone in the company but the concern there is if they know I’m pursuing work do they have any rights to remove me? “Oh well if you’re capable of working we can take you off” kinda scenario. It’s been a very confusing situation and I haven’t found the right person/people to talk to.

Hopefully this situation makes sense how I’ve described it. I just can’t take any chances on losing the policy. Thanks for any input/suggestions.

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