On disability but starting job – Not sure what to do about insurance? (Double transplant 2018) in Indiana.

Hi, I don't know where to start to find resources or answers to my questions. Any help is appreciated, I'm in Indiana, I had a liver / kidney transplant back in 2018 and I'm in good health now and started exploring getting back into work force with computers. I am actually getting a job offer tomorrow morning and they asked me what I wanted to do for insurance whether to choose their HSA or PPO or I can even continue with my insurance, and they pay in about $170+ bi-weekly to contribute to the insurance. I don't even know where to begin, I'm overwhelmed feeling like I've made a mistake. I'm on immunosuppressant medication which I know is expensive without insurance and I have checkup appointments about 3 times a year now and bloodwork every 3 months. I have no idea what insurance options I even have if there are other routes for me to take in this situation or things I could possibly qualify for. Right now, I have Medicare a / b and Medicaid QMB. I don't pay anything out of pocket in current situation, I don't know if it's even possible to carry this insurance into a job and then pay the premium or how that even works? I don't even know the right questions to ask on here. I'm seeking any kind of input or guidance … thank you in advance. I'm feeling desperate. The job I'm getting the offer from uses UnitedHealth Care.

submitted by /u/simsk8er

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