NYC – Not medically necessary for open surgery stay

Hello. I recently had an open myomectomy in February and stayed one night in the hospital. UHC is deeming it medically unnecessary since I didnt have any complications and I didn't lose much blood during the procedure. I was booked in for surgery at 2pm…My surgery was delayed and I didn't get out of surgery until 9-10pm, still had a catheter in mind you.. My doctor stated I needed to pass urine and flatulate before I left which didn't happen until the next day and I left at 11pm. The bill is 60K for the inpatient stay and they've now sent me the final appeal denial. They've been going back and forth since February and I'm not sure what to do. How can my doctor say it's medically necessary and then now I'm going to get met with this fat bill? Does anyone know if there is anything else I can do to fight it or negotiate with the hospital? Someone from the hospital said before they can only legally charge me so much anyway since they deemed it medically necessary? But does anyone know what that is or has experienced this before?

submitted by /u/Sea-Daikon-4150

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