Unfortunately I was just laid off so I have to get health insurance coverage for myself. My wife can get insurance through her work and our kids will get theirs through the NY childcare plus.

I went to the ny state of health website and did the application, then when I look at the plans shown the lowest tier I can get is bronze, there is no option for catastrophic coverage only. I called NY healthcare exchange and the person on the phone basically says I'm only eligible for whatever the system has generated for me. That can't be right? How come I can't get catastrophic coverage only? The difference between catastrophic and bronze tier is like $300+ which makes a huge difference in our budgets. Is there an income limit to get catastrophic coverage?

If not how can I apply for just catastrophic coverage? I'm generally healthy and haven't been to the doctor last year at all even though I had work insurance coverage. We're waiting for next summer when my wife is able to change jobs to one where she can get family coverage then I'll have coverage again. I really just need to have the bare minimum covered until next summer so 8 months or so.

submitted by /u/speedstars

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