Hey guys, I have a question regarding the Marketplace insurance plans. Last summer I just graduated college/turned 26 so I lost my health insurance through my parents and made no money yet. Went on the NY essential plan which covers pretty much everything. Got a new job in later summer and didn't get offered any kind of coverage until September ish. I had some doctor appointments and prescriptions that were processed under the essential plan, not my new jobs plan when that kicked in. Being young and new to all of this, I didn't realize the marketplace plan would not cancel automatically, and that my healthcare providers and pharmacy continued to process bills under that plan. I cancelled it in April when I realized it did not cancel automatically because I had to go to the dr more often and noticed the copay wasn't changing. What should I do? Should I contact the insurance company and have them re-process any of the medical bills that were not covered under the right plan?

submitted by /u/on_the5

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