Not sure if I can request retroactive benefits for Medi-cal?

I applied for Medi-cal late July, got approved early August. Chose my plan and everything. I scheduled an appointment at Planned Parenthood mid August, who already had me in the system as having Medi-cal (I did not update that on my own), so I assumed my services would be covered for that appointment. They did not tell me otherwise nor asked for payment methods at the time.

A couple days after my appointment, I got a letter saying that my benefits would start 9/1. I did not know that my benefits wouldn't kick in for August, which is even more confusing now because PP already had me in their system as having Medi-cal. I found that out after my appointment.

So my question is: Am I able to request retroactive benefits for this instance? When I look it up it says 3 months before you even apply, but I had already applied and been approved by the time I had my appointment. Is there any way I can use Medi-cal to help me with the cost with this appointment?

Edit: CA obviously. Also I do plan on calling in the morning, I just wanted to ask here first to gauge what I can do.

submitted by /u/winko97

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