non-MAGI Medicaid (CA) eligibility

My partner and I are currently on MAGI Medicaid in CA (Medi-Cal). However this last year we made slightly over the income threshold and were told that coverage will soon lapse. We have several $$ medications and cannot afford to pay the annual fee for plans offered by our health insurance marketplace.

I recently learned that non-MAGI Medicaid exists. I read the blurb about it on my county's website, which was kind of confusing, but made it sound like you had to be either: <21, >65, disabled, pregnant or have children <21. We are childless, able bodied and in our 30s with very few assets. I've seen elsewhere that the primary difference between MAGI vs non-MAGI is how they determine your eligibility (income vs assets).

My hope is that by posting here, someone experienced with non-MAGI Medicaid can chime in and let me know if we are in a position to pursue this program. I plan to follow up with my county offices as well, they just move so t slowly -__-

submitted by /u/Zookeepergame_Normal

See also  Health insurance for the unemployed