Hello. I went to the hospital due to a abnormal bleeding, they attended me and made me some tests and send me home… I have insurance (United Healthcare thru my employer) before any procedure i checked the app to see how much it will cost, and the estimate for my OUT OF POCKET.

I left the hospital after they made blood tests ONLY (no medication) and the CT SCAN W CONTRAST, and a month later I got bills into my mail up to +2,000 K from the hospital. They charged me only for the CT SCAN W/ CONTRAST $33K but the app said the price would be arround 2k (and my deductible would be less than $100) Well…

The total the hospital charged for a 2 hour visit was arround 56K, with a deductible of more than $2,000… DOES IT QUALIFY FOR SURPRISE ACT? Im not even gonna be deep into the poor seevice I recieved but the prices does not match. The hospital is arrasing me with tons of letters and calls to collect their money… how can I get help with this, I submitted a appealance with United Health Care but 50 days passed and thr hung up on me…

ADVICES? Anything is appreciated. Thanks.

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