No providers in network policy ?

I cannot find Endodontics specialist for root that is in network I have been searching for the past 3 months. I have talked the member services and the only response that I have received is their is nothing they can do it bout it . I have filled a grievance with the insurance company and they me told that it takes 30 days for them to process it. I’m tired, I have been dealing with issue since January, I feel that my time has been wasted if I would have known that it would taken this long I would just found a way to pay procedure myself.I’m not even sure if would still possible to get a root canal due to the procedure being time sensitive. This would result in me loosing one of my molar teeth I would also like to would my insurance company be open to covering a procedure that they don’t normally cover due to the inconvenience and failure to provide timely service.

^ Any information / ideas will help I am extremely confused. ^

submitted by /u/sequan67

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