No income, not eligible for Medicaid – how to keep current coverage?

So I have quite the predicament on my hands. I was disabled by Long COVID near overnight despite a mild acute COVID infection and being completely healthy prior. My illness has lasted 21 months so far. I was 29 when it started and I'm 31 now.

I was previously with my employers health insurance but was terminated for not being able to return to work. COBRA was offered at $900 / month. I couldn't afford that high of a premium without working and declined.

I opted for a Marketplace plan and applied the highest premium credit possible. This brought the cheapest plan with appropriate coverage to $360 / month.

I've been living off of my savings this whole time, which are now completely gone. I assumed I would be back to work by now, but that's not happening.

I applied to Medicaid in my state and was originally denied. I re-applied and have been advised the determination will take approximately 6 months. SSDI is being processed and wait time is 3 years. I have no income whatsoever, nor any savings left. I called my insurance who had no solution. I checked with the Marketplace, and still nothing. I've tried charities but they're too low on funding. I need access to weekly treatments that my insurance currently covers.

How do I pay my premium and keep from losing my insurance?

submitted by /u/appleturnover99

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