Help!! This is my first time using health insurance through a company I’ll be working for. I have no idea which insurance plan will be best for me and my family. I am 21 with good health, I was just about to hit the pre diabetic range but I’ve been losing weight and changing my lifestyle for that, I have a 1 year old son with frequent wellness check visits and immunizations , and I have a husband that has not been to the doctors in a couple years. I want to choose the employee + family plan Of course. The options are PP 750 plan. 237.25 biweekly office visits and wellness claims $25 co-pay wellness claim paid 100%. Annual deductible $2,250 for family coinsurance $6,750 maximum for family plan pays 80% you pay 20% . Annual out of pocket maximums $9,000 family.

PP 1500 plan Office visits subject to deductible and coinsurance wellness claims paid 100% Annual deductible 4,500 for family Coinsurance plan pays 80% you pay 20% 9,000 for family maximum Annual out of pocket 13,500 for family

HDHP WITH HSA My company’s annual contribution $1,000 for family Office and wellness claims subject to deductible and coinsurance wellness claims paid 100% Annual deductible 6,000 for family Coinsurance 7,500 family maximum Annual out of pocket maximum 13,500 family

Can anyone please help me understand what this means and which plan would be best for me and my family. Also me and my husband are considering having a baby in the next few years which plan would be best? We don’t want to have a huge bill after the labor.

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The dental plan is $22 biweekly for family and says it’s 100% covered so I’m not too concerned with that.

submitted by /u/TieRepresentative339