no helath insurance monthly payment requested this month?

I have been unemployed since 2020 and have not enrolled in insurance since then. I am currently living with parents. I have sold some stock this year roughly 80k(all my savings) into some tech stock that is now worth around 20k due to market crash. But due to selling the stocks my income for tax implications is 80k even though technically it’s now worth less than 20k if I can get the fair value so I do not qualify for any assistance. I tried applying for special enrollment but no dice. I need to see a doctor urgently because I spotted some very abnormal moles that fit possible melanoma description, over 6mm, not asymmetric, and different colored. Also I am over 26 so I can’t piggyback off my parents insurance.

What can I do? a) go to urgent care and try to pay out of pocket for a biopsy? Without any insurance. b) try to get a job asap and get insurance with timeline unknown c) wait until open enrollment which is Nov 1st?

B & C are risky because if I really do have melanoma then it might get worse.

Do I have any other options?

See also  Posting this here because I definitely need help navigating healthcare stuff right now. Any suggestions welcome!