No health insurance at the moment and may have some serious complications. Any suggestions?

I posted this in a different sub-reddit but I figured I'd post here too,

I have been suffering from back pain (3 disc bulges from a February CT-scan) since early January and I had been steadily improving over the first 3-4 months. I finally started physical therapy last month and was doing fine for the first couple of sessions. However, my last 2 sessions have resulted in some alarming/serious symptoms and I am probably going to schedule a visit with a spine specialist/get more medical imaging done to rule out anything more serious.

Until now, I haven't had insurance (for the past couple of years) and have been paying out of pocket for any doctor visits, medical imaging, medication, etc. I am an older college student (28) who is set to get his degree this August. My school offers health insurance on a semester-to-semester basis but enrollment is voluntary and I am not sure if I qualify until I call them on Monday. The problem is I'm unsure of where to go from here. I don't qualify for my state's (TX) Medicaid and I am currently applying for jobs. I believe there's a chance that surgery or some more serious procedures could be on the table if my condition worsens in the next month or two and I'm not sure if I should try to get a job as quickly as possible just for the health insurance benefits or if there are other types of programs that could potentially help me. I will be speaking with my primary doctor on Monday morning but until then, I am trying to understand the path forward from an insurance/financial perspective. I will be extremely safe moving until I get thoroughly checked but I would appreciate any advice on this.

See also  UHC - Out of Network?

submitted by /u/KLTPAB