No clue what health insurance plan to get (Kaiser)

(Bay Area CA, 24, $60,000 before taxes)

My job has two possible plans: Kaiser Silver 70 HMO 1900/65 and the $30 copayment HMO. My job covers $300. First one, I pay less than $20 a month. Second, I pay $213 a month.

I don’t have in office visits very often, I usually have telephone or video appointments. Copayment is $65/$30 for in office.

Silver 70 has $1,900 deductible that applies for MRI/PET, out patient surgery, emergency services, and in patient care. Other plan doesn’t have calendar year deductible.

Out of pocket maximum is $8,750 vs $3,000

I have glasses. Only the copayment plan has all vision exams covered. Neither covers glasses, but Kaiser gives a discount if you buy from them.

I have prescriptions for Adderall and generic Seroquel. Adderall would be $100 on Silver 70, $35 after a $250 deductible in copayment. Or if I swap to generic, it would be $20 vs $10 (with no deductible).

I might need to see a specialist and get out patient surgery this year. Specialist is $100 vs $30, and out patient surgery is 45% after deductible (so probably pay entirely out of pocket) vs $200.

Vaccines and preventative exams are $0 for both. Labs are $30 vs $10.

I’m getting CPAP stuff that’s covered under my family’s insurance currently. Weirdly, the copayment plan makes you pay 50% while the Silver 70 is 45%.

The higher deductible on the Silver 70 gave me pause, but so does paying $200 a month for something that I usually don’t need beyond my prescriptions. Medication wise I’m stable and have been taking the same thing for years, so I’m not gonna be randomly swapping meds around. I think after all bills, I’d have around $1,500 for food + gas + anything else I need that month which isn’t super bad, but it’s my first time living completely on my own post-college so there’s been a lot of surprise costs I hadn’t even thought to factor in.

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