NJ don’t know what plan I need. Multiply disabled. 6-10 doctors appointments per month. Want to take a job that pays too much to keep medicaid.

I'm on medicaid right now and im looking for an insurance thats like medicaid. Instead of it being given to me because of my disability and low income, I was wondering if there was some sort of plan similar to it where I pay a monthy fee to continue going to my 6-10 appontments a month and recieving my medications for little or no cost.

I am currently in university, I would like to take a job through my university for my masters program that pays too much for me to keep my medicaid. What I'm concerned about is most of the money I make going to my insurance/healthcare and being in a worse off situation than I'm in right now relying on social services to recieve my healthcare.

I dont know what kind of deductable or premium I need and having been disabled and on some version of free healthcare all my life, I don't know how any of this works, the person who used to help me with all of it passed away this year, and I find most online explanations confusing. From what I do understand, I think I need something with a low out of pocket maximum. I also would need an insurance that covers transgender healthcare.

Some other information that may be helpful: I go to urgentcare an average of 8-12 times or more per year, usually several times in a row I go to the emergency room 4-5 times per year on average, almost never overnight. I know for a fact I am going to need at least 5 more surgeries (all medical, one of the reasons I want to get off of social services is to save for gender affirming procedures) I get labs done on average 1-3 times every two months I try to scedule as many appointments as I can for the same day to save time and gas money, I know this can be a problem sometimes with my current insurance.

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submitted by /u/leedsdevil42