Looking for advice!

Hey reddit, my wife and I recently received a bill for somewhere around $110,000 which is due next month. Our baby was born at 31 weeks and spent 3 months in the NICU. He is home and healthy as can be now thank goodness which is the most important thing. The issue is that my wife was under my insurance throughout the pregnancy. Our plan was to switch to her company’s insurance when baby was born because it was cheaper for the family. Things that made this confusing: 1. Baby was born during open enrollment 2. Her company was switching insurances during open enrollment. In the chaos of this, mixed with having a preemie at the hospital and a wife who had a traumatizing pregnancy, we think she accidentally put baby on the new insurance plan which they are saying didn’t take effect until January 1st. This was a mistake on our end but it just seems like nobody from her company, HR, benefits, whoever, helped or reached out. We are just scared and frustrated at how little help we received during such a difficult time when we were scared for baby’s life. Is there any recourse for us? What should we do in this situation? Thanks!

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