Newborn hospital stay health insurance coverage

I am individually covered by my employer through BCBS. With my PPO plan, I have a $600 deductible and $5,000 out of pocket max.

I just had my baby on 10/19/2024. I was admitted to the hospital on 10/17 and we were both discharged on 10/20.

My understanding was that my individual plan would cover most standard in network care for both myself and my baby for the first 48 hours (she was delivered vaginally) and that all claims would go toward the $600/$5,000. Basically – that under a standard delivery scenario, which I had, the most I would pay for the entire birth was $5,000. I checked with insurance twice before delivery that this was the case.

In my insurance portal though, I am seeing “past coverage” from 1/1/24-10/18/2024 and “active coverage” from 10/19/2024 to current. I see pending claims for the hospital stay under the both. The active coverage starting 10/19/2024 (her birthday) shows my daughter added and that we have a new deductible of $1,200 and out of pocket max of $10,000. I’m so confused because I thought her first 48 hours would be covered by my individual plan. So now I’m not sure if I’ll be paying $5k or $10k.

Am I understanding this wrong?

submitted by /u/Neither_Parking_7448

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