New York Self-Employed PPO Plan/Options?

I am trying to see what options are available for self-employed individuals in NY specifically PPO plans. I am planning to leave my current position at my W2 job to start my own business, the plan would also be for me and my SO.

I have looked on the marketplace and UHC and BC/BS seem to only offer plans that require a referral from PCP for specialist care; this is not possible in my situation. I have many specialist appointments to manage certain medical conditions and am usually seeing a specialist at least 2-4 times a month so getting referrals is not an option.

I have tried searching specifically for PPO plans but can not find any information and when I visit insurance company (Aetna, UHC, BC/BC etc) they all direct to the NY marketplace. I've also tried to contact Gusto (payroll company) since they offer health benefits (a broker) but was told that they can not offer any plans sine it would only be me and my SO and not employees.

Are there any options for me? Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/WavyCEO

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