(New York, 33M + 31F, United HealthCare) – any hidden differences in Essentials Plan 1 vs Bronze/Silver/Gold Plans? Anything I’m missing here?

Through NY State of Health, https://nystateofhealth.ny.gov/, my wife and I qualify for close-to-free (no premiums, no deductible) health insurance based on our combined income level (below 200% of poverty line). Can choose Essential Plan 1 offered by 6 different providers, one of which is United Healthcare.

For the Bronze/Silver/Gold plans, United Healthcare seems like the most expensive in New York. Their plans are pricy, but it seems like United Healthcare has the best / one of the best provider networks in New York, so perhaps the cost is justified.

The Essential Plan 1 from United Healthcare seems too good to be true. The best network, no deductible, no monthly premiums, etc. My question is – is there something I'm missing here?. In short, this seems too good to be true:

Do fewer providers typically accept Essential Plan 1 as opposed to Bronze/Silver/Gold plans? Is Essential Plan 1 through nystateofhealth.ny.gov/ considered "Health Insurance through State Exchange" as opposed to an "Employer or Individual Plans"? In general, are State Exchange / Marketplace plans not as good as Employer/Individual Plans for some reason I am missing not familiar with? submitted by /u/pagenotdisplayed

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