New study explores how medical cannabis laws impact health insurance costs for employers

“States that passed medical cannabis laws, compared to states that did not pass such laws, saw decreases in the average total costs for employer-sponsored health insurance premiums.”
Full disclosure: I work for Leafwell, and our research team put this paper together, but now that it's officially in pre-print, we wanted to share it with r/HealthInsurance for thoughts and feedback.
Essentially, we wanted to investigate what impact (if any) medical cannabis laws might be having on the cost of employer-sponsored health insurance.
Here are a couple of other key findings:
* The difference in average total costs for employer-sponsored health insurance premiums, comparing states with and without medical cannabis laws, grew over time.
* Medical cannabis laws likely decreased the cost of both single and employee-plus-one coverage plans for average total premium costs.

submitted by /u/leafwell_official

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