Hi all. New baby expected July 2023. Trying to decide if I should switch to my husband’s healthcare or stay on my own. Currently, I pay $105/month. $6,000 deductible ($0 met so far). All prenatal visit will be free since they are part of routine wellness. My husband currently pays $0 for his individual plan. For me to switch to my husband’s plan, it would be $571.30/month. $3,000 deductible. All routine prenatal visits would again be covered. We know that when baby is born in July, we want to add it to my husband’s plan as his is cheaper. For just the baby to be added would be $452.18/month. To switch to a family plan and have us all together, would be $815.95/month with a $5,000 deductible. Since this is our first child, we’re having a hard time understanding how the deductibles work for labor/delivery and how adding the baby to the plan affects that. (i.e. do we have to meet two deductibles if we have baby on a different plan than mom?) These are our options: – Keep our individual plans until baby is born and then switch to family plan. – Keep our individual plans “forever” and just add baby to husband’s plan. – Switch to husband’s plan now and then switch to family plan when baby is born. Which one should we do?

submitted by /u/Economy_Seat3049

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