New Job/Policy but same Member ID with same Carrier

My previous job ended in June. I paid for COBRA coverage to extend my insurance through July & August. I started my new job this month (August) and just received my new insurance cards. It is through the same company, BCBS in IL, and also a PPO plan, however details of the plans are different based on the different employers. My new card has a different Group ID number, however the Member ID number is the same as the previous one. Does this mean that everything accumulated from 2023 on my last plan will carry over, or will it reset with the new plan?

I am scheduled to have surgery in a few weeks in which physical therapy will be required after. I already used the 30 allotted visits on my previous plan to try to treat the issue without surgery. When reading the details of the new plan, there are 40 allotted visits. Will I be able to "start fresh" with those 40 visits, or will the 30 I used previously count toward them if my member ID is the same?

submitted by /u/dayatatime1

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